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Akiko Tanaka, Ph.D.
President & Co-Founder of TBRI
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Copyright 2013, All Right Reserved  |  TBRI:  Tampa Bay Research Institute  |  501(c)(3) not-for-profit, independent biomedical research institute
11208 Blue Heron Blvd. North
Suite 110
St. Petersburg, FL 33716
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picture of Dr. Richard Whitley, Scientific Advisor
picture of Dr Bernard Roizman, Scientific Advisor
picture of Dr Yancey Gillespie, Scientific Advisor
Dr. G. Yancey Gillespie, Director of the Brain Tumor Research Laboratories in the Division of Neurosurgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. 
Dr. Bernard Roizman, the Joseph Regenstein Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Chicago 

Dr. Richard Whitley, Director of the Division of Clinical Virology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The latter two SAC members also served on President George W. Bush's Blue Ribbon Commission on Bioterrorism. 
TBRI's research programs are overseen on a regular basis by a Scientific Advisory Council (SAC). Currently the SAC is composed of three eminent scientists:
TBRI benefits from the active participation of a Board of Trustees composed of members drawn from both the local community and from out of state, representing the business, legal, financial and biomedical fields.
Clifford J. Cook, Chair
Michael E. Williams,CFP, Vice Chair 
Peter Jones, Treasurer
Doug Linder, Secretary
Akiko Tanaka, Ph.D., President and Co-Founder 
John C.(Jack) Bierley, Esq
Barbara Sheen Todd 

Andrew H. Hines, Jr.
Michiko Nonoyama, Ph.D.
Shigeo Shin, M.S., Ph.D.

In Memory:
Gerard J. (Jerry) Curley
Gary R. Froid, ChFC, CLU
Andrew H. Hines, Jr. 
Douglas R. Knab, M.D.
Constance (Connie) Kone
Allen H. Loyd
Meihan Nonoyama, Ph.D.
Mark Orr, Ph.D.
Marie Powell Sullivan
Bernice Tilton 
Richard G. Ulrich, CPA, CVA 
John P. Wallace
Dr. Tanaka earned an undergraduate degree in Pharmaceutical Science and a Ph.D. degree in Medical Microbiology, both from Showa University in Tokyo, Japan. 

She began her career at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 1981, Dr. Tanaka co-founded what is now known as the Tampa Bay Research Institute (TBRI) in St. Petersburg, Florida. She is credited with an extensive list of papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.  

Dr. Tanaka has ventured onto the frontiers of biomedicine, helping to popularize the concept of Integrative Medicine, in which modern biomedical research is afforded the insights provided by the practice of folk medicine. The knowledge gained through her long-term research efforts has contributed to our understanding of the cause, cure and prevention of chronic diseases. She has recently developed a folk remedy into a dietary supplement, trade-named ImmunExtra®. 

 Dr. Tanaka has received numerous awards for her accomplishments in science and for her service to humankind, and in 2005 she received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg.

picture of the president, Akiko Tanaka
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